FRC 2018 | FIRST Power Up

The Game

FIRST Power Up was the FIRST Competition Game for the 2018 season. In Power Up - a retro, arcade themed game - two alliances of three robots would compete by placing milk crates, or “power cubes,” on large balancing scales. Teams scored points for tipping these scales to gain ownership. Alliances could also trade power cubes for “power-ups” to gain temporary advantages during matches. At the end of each match, robots would have to opportunity to climb the tower at the center of the scale to gain extra points.

Our Robot - Out of Order

Name: Out of Order
Weight: 97 lbs
Competition History: FRC 2018 - FIRST Power Up


6 wheel, 4 CIM “West Coast Drive” drivetrain
High-Grip 6” Nitrile wheels
Pivoting intake can pick up cubes in any 13” alignment + diagonal
LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) sensors assist with intake
Arm with 120 degree range of motion
3D printed arm controller with a magnetic absolute encoder

Check out our Technical Binder for more information!


Imagery Award | PNW Lake Oswego 2018 | District Event